Saturday, August 21, 2010

What kind of bath tub or system is easiest for new baby and parents??

I know we will not be bathing the baby in a tub or anything like that for the first few weeks till the cord comes off but I was wondering that kind of baby bath tub or system you experienced parents recommend, I was going to just go with a baby bath tub and sling but then I have had a lot of ppl tell me its a waste of space and money and just to get a baby sponge and use the tub or sink? So what works best and is most cost and space effective??What kind of bath tub or system is easiest for new baby and parents??
It is far easier to just put the baby in the kitchen sink with a towel, folded and laid up the side and on the bottom of the sink. Those cute little tubs are hard to use, I had one with my first. It is hard to move the baby around to wash them. And then you have to find a place to put it. Just ends up being one big hassle.What kind of bath tub or system is easiest for new baby and parents??
I live in an apartment and our sink is to small, I received the Fisher Price Bath Tub at my baby shower and my baby loved it!!! She knew that when I would put out the little bath tub that it was bath time. It has a sling, but we do not use that anymore as she is now 6 months, it also comes with three little toys that she loves to play with.
We have the Soothing Spa and Shower Baby Bath. It's a tub and sling. Those are the only two parts that we have used since our daughter is almost 9 weeks old. We love it. If you don't have the space for a tub then don't buy one use the sink. Our sinks are WAY too small and I am not comfortable bathing the baby there. We are yet to use the shower and spa attachments. I would like for our baby to get used to the shower, my niece is deathly scared of the shower and I don't want my daughter to be like that. Good luck!
i used the baby tub and and little swing. I love it I bathe my baby alone so it is easy for me. I have been doing this ever since he was born and I still use it. He will be 2 mths next wednesday and it fits him perfectly. I also like the gadger that tells you the temperature.

I use the wash clothes to bathe him I feel more comfortable in the swing because hes just laing there than the sink (they often get slippery) and in the swing he doesnt even move. and well the tub is to big for a little baby.

The one I bought was like 20 or less. i would highly recommend it! Especially new moms! I ought mine at wal mart and its of a frog maybe u can see it and use it
Baby tubs are so difficult because it's hard holding the baby and trying to wash at the same time. The easiest thing I found was getting into the regular tub with my baby and holding him/her on my lap while bathing. It's so much easier to hold him and it's great mom/baby bonding time. When they get old enough to sit on their own, the bath tub chairs are great for bathing. Good Luck~
well using your kitchen sink is the most cost effective.

if you want another cheap method just fill the bathtub with a lil bit of water and lay a towel down and put the baby on the towel.

i have also used a baby bath tub, but after a short while they get too small and do seem like a waste.
My son is 9 weeks old and we use the fisher price aquarium tub. It's a little pricier than I would've liked but it has a hammock in it that cradles a tiny baby so you can bathe them easier.
With the help of the father I shower with my baby. When he can sit up by himself I will get a bathring to bath him.

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