Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Water breaking in a bath tub question 3 in 1 plz help?

1. If it breaks in the tub will u feel it?

2. Do you then have to get out ASAP?

3.They say u can take a bath up till ur water breaks not after cuz of infection is that true? I mean what about ppl that have the baby in water?

I asked this yesterday but didn't get to many answersWater breaking in a bath tub question 3 in 1 plz help?
The bath thing is a big wives tale, you can take a bath, the baby lives in water why would water hurt it. Yeah bubbles and such arn't great and can get places they shouldn't but don't stress.

If your water breaks it rarely breaks all at once and is just gone. It normally leaks and even if it gushes it takes a little time to all come out. You will know if you gush and if you leak when you get up you will still be leaking.Water breaking in a bath tub question 3 in 1 plz help?
1. No you probably won't feel it break if you are in the bath tub

2. I would

3. I probably would not take one at home after my water broke. In the hospital ,it is a little different as you are being monitored by nurses.

It is very rare that a woman's water breaks on its own, not saying that it doesn't happen, but rare. I know, my first baby I started labor while I was shopping with my mother in law, the midwife broke my water 12 hours later. My second baby... somewhere around 2am I woke up and my crotch felt all sweaty so I got up to cool off and then BAM! there was water running down my leg. I woke up my husband to tell him I thought my water just broke and he asked me if I peed my self! go Figure.
if your breaks you may not feel it some women just trickle not gush but if your water does break get out of the tub because then there is a possibility of infection people that have babies in water are constantly watched and there are doctors there unlike if you are alone just taking a bath but here is a link
1. Generally you do feel a popping, but its not always the case

2. No if you arent in full blown labour, stay as long as you want

3. No it will not cause any infection. Woman have water births all the time. Its soothing for mum and bubs

**If you don't know the answer, don't thumbs down people and reply with rubbish!!

If the water is clear bath water, no bubbles, then its fine to bath in once waters break!! Why the heck do you think they offer water births??
you will probably notice your waters breaking if you are in the bath, especially if you lose your waters in a gush. you dont have to jump out the bath at top speed, but it is best to come out to avoid infection getting in.
This might honestly be a question for your doctor, they are the only ones that would really know. please dont be afraid to ask them, thats what they are there for!!

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