sounds as if you want to do this work yourself? I don't like to burst your bubble, but hire a pro to do it. I know builders that sub that part of jobs out to glass pros. If you are off a tiny,tiny, bit that can't even be measured, you will have leaks.And that will be the least of your problems! Then you'll be ready to kill yourself and still have the cost of hiring it done. If you can do the tile yourself, you'll be doing something. Remember, all that tile needs to be cut to fit in corners and around places. I'm sorry I am so negative. When I bought my house 3 years ago, I read every book and investigated every option. I still can't do it, but I can watch someone else and tell them what they are doing wrong! Maybe that's why I get charged more? Much luck to you............Bathroom changes need a new shower and bath tub, give me some plans . I would like to put tile in shower.?
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